Biosphere reserve of Ziemeļvidzeme

Turna – Strenči

Points of interest
Object description

Camino Stage Turna – Strenči leads us through the biosphere reserve of North Waze. The biosphere reserve of the Ziemeļvidzeme is the only specially protected nature area of this type in Latvia, covering 457 600 ha land and 16 750 ha marine territory, established in 1997 and already recognised on 15 December 1997 as a protected nature area of international interest within the framework of the UNESCO programme. This includes not only objects of nature, but also people as one of the elements of nature. Internationally important natural and landscape values in the reserve are preserved by sustainable social and economic development. The area of the reserve includes several nature closures, dendrological plantings, as well as geologically, geomorphologically natural and historical monuments.
