Ogre – Ķegums

Ogre – 7 km Ciemupe – 5,5 km “Deer Garden” – 8.5 km Ķegums
Stage consultant – Kristine, WhatsApp or SMS, +371 26350530, e-mail [email protected]
Today, the road will lead mostly along country roads. It will also be possible to buy food and water halfway in Ciemupe.
The stage starts from Ogre Evangelical Lutheran Church. You must cross the nearby parking lot along the pedestrian path, and at the end of it turn right towards the river. At the Ogre River turn right and continue on the promenade. At the top right on the hill, you can see the Ogre St. Nicholas Orthodox Prayer House.
After approximately 400 meters you will reach the pedestrian arch bridge. You have to cross it across the river. Before the “curved” bridge on the right is another opportunity to enter the city – after 200 meters there are cafes, shops, TIC, WC.
After crossing the bridge, keep to the asphalt road to the right. When you get out on the road, turn right, and continue along the footpath. After 60 meters turn right onto Lakstīgalu Street. In the middle of this street is an oak sculpture of “Mother nightingale”. Along the street, on tree trunks, there are 15 more different and unique metal nightingales. Each has its own story, about the people living on this street now and in the past.
Go straight down on Lakstigalu street till the railway crossing, cross it and continue straight on Dārza Street.
After 700 meters, when you reach the main road, cross it along pedestrian crossings, turn along the asphalt road to the right and at the Daugava turn left to walk along the restored protective dam.
After 300 meters turn left off the dam to J.Alunāna Street. After another 180 meters turn right onto Akmeņu Street. After 90 meters at the branch, following the road signs, continue along the main road, it is a continuation of Akmeņu Street. You must go straight only until you reach the T-junction at Ogre Road Safety Directorate (CSDD) (there is a shop on the way and a swimming area behind the houses by the Daugava).
At the crossroads, turn right and then immediately left onto a small asphalt road (Sīroņu Road) into the woods. After about 600 meters the asphalt ends, but you need to continue straight along the dirt road to the bend to the left. Behind the bend, at the house “Krastmaļi” (behind the barn) turn right on the first road.
After 550 meters, at the fork in the road, go left in Ciemupe along Priežu Street. After 650 meters you will reach the intersection with Parka Street (there will be a beehive on the left side of the road). You need to continue your walk for about another 100 meters going straight along Priežu Street until the next side road on the right, where you must turn. If you go straight here, after 400 m there will be a cafe “Dakota”.
Turning right and walking straight after 180 meters, you will arrive at the Ciemupe Culture House. It is possible to visit the toilet here (on weekdays and during working hours), WiFi and a library are also available.
Continue the road past the house of culture, after 130 meters you will be at the intersection with Uzvaras Street, where you need to turn right.
After approximately 200 meters, at the intersection of Uzvaras and Daugavas streets, turn left along Daugavas street and after 250 meters at the intersection with Krastmalas street continue straight.
You have come to the cross. This cross was mounted and consecrated in 1998. The owner of the house at that time, polish by nationality, did so with the idea that it would serve to protect the house and the passers-by.
Then you need to go left to Zvejnieku Street, along which you need to go to the highway for about 1.5 kilometers. Then carefully cross the highway, because there is no pedestrian crossing here, and go right along the side of the highway. After 750 meters behind the bus stop “Ķīļupe” you will reach the Old School and road mark “Ciemupes kapi”. Here you must turn left on the dirt road, cross the railway and after 300 meters turn right on the road that continues parallel to the railway.
After 2 kilometers you will reach the intersection, turn left to the “Deer Garden”. Here it is possible to feed deer, as well as relax in a landscaped private area (prices can be seen at the gate).
Going through the deer garden, continue straight until you reach a T-junction, where you should turn right. The road will pass the waste treatment site and after 2.5 kilometers you will reach the asphalt road P8.
Here you must turn right and walk along the side of the road. After 600 meters, there is a shop on the left side of the road with an outdoor seating area and a toilet, and soon a pedestrian/bicycle path starts behind it. Arriving at the first intersection in the city, you must turn left on Uzvaras Street and continue straight for 400 meters. At the next intersection, Uzvaras Street turns right, but you must go straight along Egļu Street, which will continue inside the forest.
You should continue straight (about 650 m) all the time, enjoying the mountainous area of Ķegums, walking up and down the countless hills. When you reach the road, turn right and after 150 meters on the right there is a sign “Ķeguma krusta kalns” (Ķegums cross hill).
The first cross on the hill was installed in 1997, but now there are bigger and smaller cross signs from different countries of the world.
Behind the Hill of the Cross and Ķegums Cemetery, you should continue only straight until you will reach the Ķegums Railway Station after 1 kilometer. The road continues to the right across the tracks and across the A6 highway to Liepu Alley. Walking along Liepu Alley, you will arrive at the Ķegums Evangelical Lutheran Church.
The stage is over.