Posted: 05/09/2024

Rita’s Story (2024)

Five years have passed since I worked at the Latvian St. Jame’s Way Association (2019 – 2024). Is it a lot or little? A lot! Five years of intensive work, both in thinking, planning and preparation, as well as in practical road creation. Tirelessly promoting St. Jame’s Way both in the world and in Latvia, telling people about my experience and inviting them to dare to go. Countless story evenings have been conducted, photo reports have been created and exhibitions, given interviews, organized hikes.
How not to get tired, how to renew yourself and where to find strength? Of course, walking! During these five years I have walked Camino Portuguese, Camino Muxia a Finisterra, Camino del Norte, Camino Invierno, sections of the Camino dos Faros, Camino Lituano and Camino Eesti. It is important for me to be alone and in harmony with myself. Rethink everything and feel the walk. Work physically but relax mentally. Draw strength from prayer and thanksgiving. Gain new experience and pay attention to every detail while traveling, which could be used in the creation of the Latvian Camino or on the contrary – what not to do.
Creating St. Jame’s Way across Latvia, all stages were walked several times-crisscrossing. I am competent to provide an explanation to anyone interested, but the most important one was missing –The Camino feels like walking across the native land continuously day after day. For real feelings. And enjoy the pilgrimage as it is enjoyed and “tasted” by every traveler who steps on the Camino.
And so, on June 11, 2024, together with Cathy from the USA and Kristina from the Camino Latvia team, we started 429 km-long walks along the Latvian St. Jame’s Way route Valka – Riga – Skaistkalne, from the Estonian border to the border of Lithuania. And it was a fantastic feeling to enjoy the fruits of my labour. Walk, rejoice, as if all over again get to know Latvia. Here is my summary and insights about CAMINO LATVIA.
Camino Latvia leads the pilgrim through beautiful, picturesque places of Latvia across vast fields and blooming meadows, through forests, along the banks of rivers and lakes and even across a swamp. Nature in places is bit wild, primitive, which is also very surprising. Terrain – easy to pass through the plains and across for small hills. If one day you must walk only on monotonous straight gravel roads, then the next one definitely will surprise you with quiet forest paths, surprising small rocks exposed by rivers or Baltic Sea coast sand. There are not many big cities and asphalt roads, but the beautiful small towns delight and tempt with their own charm.
This Camino is really a good place to be with yourself and nature. Sometimes a feeling of loneliness can creep up, because walking you may not meet a single person for the whole day. But right with this, walking Camino Latvia is an opportunity to test and challenge yourself – how much can we live without society and communication, relying only on your own strength. It is possible to think about life and clear your head and find a solution to a situation. Sometimes it is physically difficult to walk the track all day. But I personally really like it -feeling of freedom – no need to rush anywhere. There is no “time frame”. At what time will you arrive, when will you reach the destination. Timeless-all time belongs to you! You can safely go at your own pace.
The road is well marked. Road markings are small, tasteful and easy to spot at every strategically important intersection. GPX tracks and route descriptions correspond to reality in nature. To each stage also has its own knowledgeable consultant, whose telephone number is listed on the website, and anyone can call in an unexpected situation or difficulty. Hostels must be booked in advance, as they are not so many and so often as in the roads of Spain. You should also think about always having a reserve of food in your backpack. Because mostly the whole day is spent in nature and only the endpoints of the stages are in populated areas. There are stages in which all the indicated must be passed kilometers without the possibility of “going off track”. Of course, approaching Riga is much different. Walking across Latvia is a very pronounced formula Nature – Urbanization (Riga’s surroundings) – Nature. St. Jame’s Way in Latvia is passable every season, but the period from May to October would be better.
Take your time! If possible, plan a longer time limit for Latvian St. Jame’s Way, so that separate days can be devoted to visiting the beautiful small towns of Latvia. Valmiera, Cēsis, Sigulda and of course, Riga will delight you and make you like it with its ancient charm, architecture, sights, for museums and exhibitions! Be sure not to hesitate to call the number indicated on the website the day before- to open the doors of churches and attractions. A lot of amazing things are waiting for you!

Be open and the Way will open to you. Buen Camino!
Rita, 05.09.2024