Posted: 16/04/2024

Save the date – 27.07.2024, St. James day!

For the fifth time members of the Association of St. James Way in Latvia will celebrate the St. James day together with friends.
During the first celebration of St. James day in 2019, the stage Jaunmarupe – Riga was done and a bronze shell has been installed into the pavement at the entrance of the St James’s Cathedral in Riga, confirming Latvia’s accession to the historic international St. James Way pilgrimage network.
in 2020, the St James Way signpost was set up on the Latvia-Estonia border in Valka/ Valga on Putraskalns, with the blessings and prayers by representatives of the clergy.
in 2021, a walk from Riga to Skaistkalne was done, at the end of which a symbolic sign was consecrated and installed at the Latvian-Lithuanian border in Skaistkalne, indicating the distance to Santiago de Compostela Cathedral in Spain – 4308 km.
in 2023, in celebration of the Jame’s day in Dobele, ceramic tiles with a shell symbol were installed at the Roman Catholic Church and Dobele’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, and a specially designed seal lodge was also placed next to the Roman Catholic Church in Dobele.
On July 27, 2024, everyone will have the opportunity to participate in the event – “one day in Latvia like every day in Spain”, that day we will celebrate the St. Jame’s day at the total length of the St. James Way in Latvia. There will be stages where we go on foot, there will also be stages for cycling and there will also be a family section.
Let’s celebrate this day on the way together.

Application to the events St. Jame’s day will open on June 10. The information will follow.