Putraskalns (Porridge hill)
Valka – Turna
The origin of the name Putraskalns (Estonian – Pudrumägi; German- Buttersberg) could be related to outflows that form a boggy place at its peak in the spring.
According to a legend – in the past, Estonians and Latvians used to fight a lot. Once the Latvian troops have reached the border and have come to rest on the hill. They’ve cooked a big pot of porridge so they can be strong to fight. In the meantime, a group of Estonians have come together, lowered to the ground a large tree, held a huge sling and placed a stone in the direction of the Latvian camp. The heavy stone hit straight into the pot, so that all the porridge spilled. The war has also broken down. From then on, the top of the hill was often boggy where it gives feeling like stirring a porridge. So is the mound named Putraskalns. These days, the name Putraskalns is usued to mark the highest point (where the gazebo is located), what is also the most visible in nature.
There is a sign post in the Putraskalns indicating the starting point of Camino Latvia.